Credit Report (USA: 3 Credit Reports)
Claim your 3 FREE Annual Credit Reports NOW!
Active this best habit yearly in your life !
By the Federal Law you have the Right to claim you 3 FREE Credit Reports once every 12 months from
3 major Credit Reporting Agencies (Credit Bureaus: -Experian -Equifax - Trans Union).
You must settle soon ! It's quick and easy, you just can request at one place of 3 different ways.
(Online, by mail, by phone)
1-Why to claim your 3 FREE yearly Credit Reports NOW !
NOW in the USA, the number one complaint received by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) involved incorrect credit information listed on you 3 free credit reports!
These 3 major Credit Bureaus who update and sell their reports to creditors, insurers, employers and other businesses that used to make a decision about your applications. Whenever each bureau grasp your information with different errors, and inaccuracies. The impact of those errors reveals to stop you ability to close loans, new credit lines, better lending terms, interest rates.
Urgent! Why to check your Credit Report as soon as possible?
Even more today credit report check it's yet a good habit !
2-How to get Annual Credit Report FREE online USA or Canada ?
In USA : Claim fast NOW ! 3 Free credit reports !
In Canada : Claim your 2 reports !
3-What’s to show credit reports ? (4 elements or sections )
***Credit reports are fundamental data used by different banks or creditors to evaluate the risk on you !
Credit report is an all-inclusive report for the lenders, creditors, landlords
(Credit cards, Car, House, Student loans, apartments, employers, government, insurance)
used to gain basic information about you, your accounts, you payment's history, your record.
This report tracks all credit-related activities….!
A—Personal information
First Name
Last Name
Address current
Address previous
Social security number (SSN)
Phone numbers
Date of birth
Maybe Driver’s license number
Maybe Passport number
B—Your Credit History!
Account information for existing loans
Applications for new credit cards (Inquiries)
Missing a car payment
The balance of student loan
Unpaid student loan
Taking out a mortgage
Closing your first Credit Card
Amount of debt you owe
Available credit
Types of Credit (Credit cards-student loans-car loans-mortgages)
Credit Utilisation
Length of Credit History
Late payments (+30+60+90+120 days)
Medical bills
Identity theft
Library fines
Parking tickets
C—Public records and collection accounts!
Wage garnishment
Tax liens
Divorced (Overdue)
Civil judgment
Debt settlements
D—A Photo of different accounts you own (credit mix).
—Student loans—Car loans—Boat loans—Home loans (Mortgage)
—Credit cards—HELOC (Home equity line of credit)
4-Why credit reports are FREE ?
***Yes it’s FREE. In the USA, for each consumer you have the right by the Federal Law to order these
3 FREE credit reports each year with 3 major credit bureaus.
Annual credit report request form HERE....... Claim fast NOW !
5-Which credit report is better ?
Each customer have 3 credit reports with 3 major credit bureaus and no one is better.
Each bank or creditor have their credit bureau, so you must check and dispute the 3 credit bureaus, so any credit reports are the best.
Each bureau individually collect different information on you.
Each bureau filled their information with different mistakes, errors or inaccuracies !
Keep in mind the credit report from one credit bureau may have an error while another not !
6-How many mistakes you might find in your credit reports ?
Credit report is a cartoon of errors, mistakes, inaccuracies, unverifiable, misleading, untimely, biased, discrepancies and incomplete ! If there are multiple errors on your credit reports, you’ll need to dispute each of those individually. You might consider working with a credit repair company to make things a little easier for yourself.
Credit reporting errors can damage your ability to qualify for credit cards and loans. Consumers should check their credit reports regularly and dispute any errors with the credit bureaus and the creditor that supplied the inaccurate information.
Name misspelling
An outdating mailing address
An incorrect date of birth
Wrong phone number
Wrong address
Wrong address previous
Review your list of accounts, balances, payment history and account status. Look for incorrect statements of missed or late payments
On time payments showing as late
Incorrect payment status (+30-60-90-120 days)
You don’t recognize information on your credit report
Incorrect accounts
Fraudulent accounts (if you are victim of identity theft)
Informations or accounts or debts from ex-spouse
Credit cards accounts or loans for someone with similar name
Errors may have lenders seeing double because accounts have been reported more than once, making it appear you have more open lines of credit or higher debt than you actually do
Negative information that remains on your credit report beyond the maximum (outdated information) EX: Bankruptcy, negative accounts over 7 years old.
Make sure that older bad debts that should have been, because credit Bureaus should remove them from your report after 7 years.
Duplicate collections.
Someone who has fraudulently used your identity
Reinsertion of inaccurate information after it’s corrected
If you closed a credit account, make sure that does reflect that it was “closed by grantor” making it appear that the creditor closed the account, and not you.
—You must order your 3 FREE credit reports yearly and to check your credit report regularly is a good habits to see these errors !
The resolution process probably won’t be fast or simple, but it’s all worth it !
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