FICO Score Range :
800-850 = Exceptional
740-799 = Very Good
670-739 = Good………
580–669 = Fair
300-579 = Very poor
Do it yourself credit restoration
Whether your 3 credit scores are between 650 and 750. It's always profitable to contest your credit report by yourself. You can dispute your credit report as soon as possible. NOW, to follow the process soundly may to be long and boring. Furthermore, your inexperience may to play against to you ! Being smart, involve rebuilding your credit step-by-step to higher your credit score quickly.
Don't let reporting mistakes drag down your credit score and reduce your cash money !
1-Claim & dispute each 3 credit reports!
2-The resolution process : Send a Credit Report Dispute Letter!
3-What to dispute on Credit Reports?
4-The damage points on FICO Credit score!
5-The cost of Fair or Very Poor credit score!
6-The financial advantages of the very good credit score!
7-Annex 1: How to dispute all 3 credit reports ? (SAMPLE 1)
8-Annex 2 : Follow-up letter. (SAMPLE 2)
9-Where to summit a dispute with the 3 credit report agencies?
1-Claim & dispute each 3 credit reports!
After order your annual credit report
—You must fight credit bureaus, a lot of creditors to amend many mistakes, errors, inaccuracies, biased items.
—You must check and dispute all 3 credit reports. (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion)
—Each bureau individually collect different information on you.
—Each bureau filled their information with different mistakes, errors or inaccuracies !
—Keep in mind the credit report from one credit bureau may have an error while another not !
—So neither credit report is the best.
—Make sure to mail your letter with a certificate of mailing, keep the proof of mailing for your records.
—Find and keep all your original documents to dispute.
—FIRST use the SAMPLE 1 (At the end on annex 1, Credit Report Dispute Letter)
—SECOND use the SAMPLE 2 (At the end on annex 2, Follow-up Letter)
—The road to credit recovering is a marathon, not a sprint, which means building or rebuilding your credit isn’t a quick process, mostly if you have a bad credit…. (Between 3 & 4 months)
N.B. : If your FICO Score is about or under 650, you have a poor, bad Credit Score and your Credit Report can contain: Errors, Mistakes, or even more Judgment, Collection, Late Payments, charge-offs. You must debate your Credit Report right NOW. It pays widely to choice an expert to improve quickly your credit score. Just find your Credit Score like an investment lucrative and the best for you young man to save a lot of money in the future.
2—The resolution process : Send a Credit Report Dispute Letter !
—Do it Yourself Credit Repair include a sample letter for you to use or show you how to get or make one yourself.
—Just be sure to include as many information as possible to support why you believe the item to be incorrect.
—You want to get a tracking or receipt number, so you can be sure of when your letter is received.
—Once your dispute is received, the bureaus normally have 30 days to investigate your claim.
—After this is completed, you should receive some communication.
—This can be either an updated credit report showing any changes made or an explanation why the dispute didn’t result in any changes to your report.
—If you don’t receive a communication after 30 days you can to send follow-up letter.
3—What to dispute on Credit Reports ?
Name misspelling
An out dating mailing address
An incorrect date of birth
Wrong phone number
Wrong address
Wrong address previous
Review your list of accounts, balances, payment history and account status. Look for incorrect statements of missed or late payments
On time payments showing as late
Incorrect payment status (+30-60-90-120 days)
You don’t recognize information on your credit report
Incorrect accounts
Fraudulent accounts (if you are victim of identity theft)
Information or accounts or debts from ex-spouse
Credit cards accounts or loans for someone with similar name
Errors may have lenders seeing double because accounts have been reported more than once, making it appear you have more open lines of credit or higher debt than you actually do
Negative information that remains on your credit report beyond the maximum (outdated information) EX: Bankruptcy, negative accounts over 7 years old.
Make sure that older bad debts that should have been, because credit Bureaus should remove them from your report after 7 years.
Duplicate collections.
Someone who has fraudulently used your identity
Reinsertion of inaccurate information after it’s corrected
If you closed a credit account, make sure that does reflect that it was “closed by grantor” making it appear that the creditor closed the account, and not you.
4—The damage points on FICO Credit score !
The FICO Score Range are:
800-850 = Exceptional : your goal must be….!
740-799 = Very Good
670-739 = Good
580–669 = Fair
300-579 = Very poor
****According to FICO’s published Damage Points guidelines, the effects range from 130 to a 240 point drop.
For example:
—A person with a 680 credit score would drop between 130 and 150 points.
—A person with a 780 credit score would drop between 220 and 240 points.
Bankruptcy………………. 150 to 240 Points
Foreclosure……………… 100 to 160 Points
Eviction…………………… 100 to 160 Points
Repossession……………. 100 to 120 Points
Charge-Off……………….. 100 to 120 Points
Short Sale………………… 80 to 120 Points
Judgment…………………. 80 to 120 Points
Debt Settlement ………80 to 120 Points
Late Payments………… 60 to 120 Points {30 days, 60...}
Collections ……….………. 60 to 110 Points
Tax Liens………………….. Up to 100 Points
Hard inquiry………………. Up to 15 Points
13. Incorrect balance…………. 45 points
14. incorrect credit limit………. 45 points
5—The cost of Fair or Poor credit score?
~You can pay Higher Interest for :
Fair, poor credit car loans= You can pay an interest range (5%,10% or 15 %)
Fair, poor credit mortgage= You can pay more than (.5% to 1%) than your friend!
Fair, poor credit personal loans = (+ or - 25 %)
Fair, poor credit cards = (20%, 25%, or 30 %)
~Creditors raise the price of your bills, charge your fees or deposit:
Cell phone providers
Insurers companies
Utility companies
Landlord (Leasing)
~Or Worst :
You can miss the HOUSE you desire !
It could influence your RELATIONSHIP !
Employers can check your Credit and…!
It could keep you from getting HIRED !
It could cost you a PROMOTION !
You can deny for a LOANS !
You can deny for a CREDIT CARDS !
6—The financial advantages of an Excellent credit score !
—Quickly loans approved !
—Best auto and home insurance !
—Best interest rate !
—Best terms, no fees or deposits.
—Best jobs & promotions !
—Best mortgage !
—Best relationship !
—More travels
—More entertainments
—More savings
—More bitcoins
—More music festivals
—More fitness
—More wellness
7—Annex 1—How to dispute all 3 credit reports (SAMPLE 1) ?
The resolution process probably won’t be fast or simple, but it’s all worth it !
Follow the instructions to the letter ! Work like a lawyer….

8—Annexe 2—Follow-up letters (SAMPLE 2)

9--Where to summit a dispute whith the 3 credit report agencies ?
TransUnion’s dispute page
Mail to: TransUnion LLC
Consumer Dispute Center, PO Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Experian’s dispute page
Mail to: Experian
PO Box 4500
Allen, TX 75013
Equifax’s dispute page
Mail to: Equifax
PO Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
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